Membership in the Michigan League of Handweavers offers many benefits:
- Access to Member Only area on MLH Website
- Retreat Workshops
- Online Workshops
- Online Lectures, Live & recorded (limited time)
- Online Study Group
- Exhibit Opportunities
- Grant Opportunities
- Newsletters
- Membership Directory
- Mentorship Opportunities
- Swatch mailing
- Discount codes for Fiber businesses
- Camaraderie with other Fiber Enthusiasts
Contact: Membership Chair:
Jennifer Gould
435 Woodburn, SW
Byron Center MI 49315
Membership Dues:
$20.00 for one year or
$37.00 for 2 Years
Dues are from September 1st to August 31st of the following year, and they are not prorated.
Please consider making a donation to the learning grant when you pay your membership dues. Adding $5.00 or more to your membership dues helps for us to continue
to provide learning grants to our members.
Complete the information FORM below and SUBMIT.
If you are paying online, you will be directed to PAYPAL for payment.
Membership form can be found here.
NOTE: You MUST complete BOTH the FORM below and the PAYPAL form in order to have a paid